About Noah*s Ocean

Go circular with our partner iCeep

Go circular with our trusted partner iceep

Driving the Change: Embracing the Circular Economy Our planet’s resources are finite, and it’s our responsibility to protect them. Our actions today shape the environment for future generations, e...

Wie wir mit einer Schrift ein kleines bisschen die Welt verbessern

How we can improve the world a little bit with a font

At Noah’s Ocean, we are always striving to make a positive impact on the world with our decisions. One of these decisions involves the choice of font for our website and logo. We have chosen the “P...

Nachhaltigkeit unserer Materialien

Sustainability of our materials

Summary Recognizing true sustainability: We want consumers to avoid falling for greenwashing.Example of misleading practices: New PET bottles are marketed as “recycled.”Our promise at Noah*s Ocean:...